Thursday, June 9, 2011

Admit that it sucks and put off saving the world.

I had a conversation last night that I wanted to share with you because it's close to my heart.

TOPIC: The world sucks- It truly does. Bad things happen every day and we can't be a million places at once to save everyone. Eventually we need to give into the fact that bad things will happen to us.
So since this is fact, why are we so determined to hide that things happen to us? Why can't we just admit THIS HAPPENED TO ME, IT SUCKS, HUG ME! It's ok to ask for a pity party every now and then.
Bad things happen every day. Yes it happens to everyone. BUT THIS IS YOU AND YOUR ONLY CHANCE AT LIFE. You're allowed to be selfish and be upset about things. Don't take it to far. Don't let it rule your life. But if it's horrible enough to cry about it, let the tears flow.
Grieve over a tainted memory. It's called being human. Be upset at the person who did it for you and don't for one second feel that it's ok for someone to hurt you. I'm sad that they had a bad childhood but that never gives them a right to stick a knife in your life to cover up their pain.
Do we understand that we are PHYSICALLY KILLING OURSELVES just to keep someone else from getting in trouble?
Let's take another route and say that a natural disaster happened to us. You can yell at the wind and your cries will get lost. Yell at it anyways. Let yourself get physically upset for a little while.
And don't try to be the world's advocate without advocating for yourself. You can't help someone else deal with a problem until you've dealt with it yourself.
Eating to hide pain is like putting a bandaid on a gun shot wound.
Internalizing pain is a gateway to cancer, heart problems, brain issues, and other parts of your body saying "I'M TIRED OF MENTALLY ABUSING MYSELF, I...TAP...OUT"

For years I internalized pain. I internalized every name I was called, being a young mom, watching the world around me crumble, being abused by people I thought I loved. In some sick sad way I blamed myself for everything. I just can't do it anymore. I really can't. And now I'm watching someone die of the physical aspect of internalizing pain. I would never wish their life on anyone. We just can't do this to ourselves.

So I'm going to recommend a movie for everyone that honestly changed my idea that I can hold it all in and be ok.
It's called "What the Bleep Do We Know?!? Down the Rabbit Hole"
It's a documentary/story about how we react to life and how it affects our body. If you can't watch the whole movie or can't find it here's a link to a very important part about how thoughts affect you.

I dare you to watch it.
Don't ever forget that you only get one chance at life. Don't waste it. Experience and love it. Don't be afraid to cry, don't be afraid to let go, don't be afraid to move on, don't be afraid to yell.


****************Help me save up to go back to school***********************
Shakeology (What I take to balance out my body.)
Beachbody (P90X, Insanity, TurboFire, supplements, fitness equipment.)

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