Friday, May 20, 2011

Don't put yourself off

It's 2:45 in the morning. It's my night off of work and I should be sleeping right now. Why am I not? Today is carreer day at the boys school and I have to wash clothes for it. Not only do I have to wash my own clothes, but I promised the boys I would find nice outfits for them to wear today. I didn't buy outfits for them like I had told them I would. I put it off until last minute and unfortunately had my day fall in pieces behind me yesterday. They didn't seem to care when I said I would wash some of their nicer clothes and we'd save the money for some new summer clothes. Then I promised my husband I would round up some clothes before I went to bed. Did I? Nope. Instead played "Words with Friends" on my phone until I followed my husband to bed and forgot about the clothes. Luckily, I woke up for one of my usual "I drank wayyyy too much water yesterday" bathroom trips and realized what I had forgotten to do. So now I'm going to have to keep myself awake for a few hours while these clothes wash.
Yes I know, you're thinking But I'm not done there

Since I have an hour before I can put "Sunday's best" (cargo pants and button up shirts for them, pants that are now too big on me and granny shirt for me) into the dryer, I wanted to blog about putting yourself off.
"Procrastinators UNITE!... tomorrow" is one of my favorite phrases. (me at 305 wearing that shirt) But procrastination rarely ever benefits anyone. In fact it's almost like a form of self abuse. We always end up having to make up for it in the end. Didn't clean- have to rush to do it at the end of the day when we should be relaxing.
Didn't clean till right before a guest comes over- we end up looking like we just cleaned last minute and they slip and fall on your wet kitchen floor.
Didn't get a letter out- let someone down
Didn't pay a bill- get a late fee
Didn't go to bed on time- zombie for the rest of the next day
I think the only time it pays off is when you absolutely have to have an item and it goes on sale last minute. But with my luck I always miss the sale by a day because I put it off.
Have you ever thought about procrastination and your body? How many times have you told yourself: "I'm going to do this workout video sometime this week." "I'm going to get my shopping done today so I'm not calling in for fast food tomorrow." "I'm going to sign up for the gym." "I'm going to get that blood test my doctor asked me to get."
Why are we not doing this stuff? We should be happy to take care of ourselves. Maybe you have mom-itis like me and somehow think there's never enough time in the day. But isn't it amazing that we always have time for our favorite show or the drive to the restaurant that took longer than actually cooking a meal or a long phone call with a friend where we walked around the house in circles but never thought "Hey maybe I should clean a little or prep some fruit while I talk."
The simple fact of the matter is taking care of ourselves takes time away from the fun stuff or it just seems like more work to do on top of everything else we have. But it doesn't have to be that way.
#1 Don't schedule workouts you probably wouldn't have fun doing at all. Try things like Zumba, Kickboxing, walking with your friends, things that make you excited to get out.
#2 Don't schedule this stuff for days you're already crunched for time. 10-30 minutes of exercise is all you really need each day.
#3 Plan meals that require very little of you. I love my crock pot. I know that makes me sound old but my crockpot is my friend. I toss everything into the pot, turn it on, go to bed, get the kids from school, find a yetti, come home and dinner is ready. Maybe I'll need to cook a little rice but if you're not willing to cook rice you need to stop being so lazy.
#4 Make your meals ahead of time. You've just gone shopping. Your dishes are clean. You already have to make one meal. Why not keep your prep stuff out, make two meals, and that way the next nights dinner just needs to be popped into the oven. When making lunches for the kids, make 3 sandwiches instead of one and leave two in the fridge.
#5 Remember the longer you put off losing weight the longer it will be before you can join a nudist camp and truly be free without feeling ashamed.
#6 Don't set a caloried burned goal you know you won't hit. Aim for your usual and reset your calorie ranges AS YOU LOSE THE CALORIES.
#7 You should never put off blood tests or follow-ups with your doctor or seeing your cardiologist. Yes, these take time and they suck. But who knows if something shows up that could change how you have to lose this weight or if something shows up that shows why you're gaining weight. It would suck to die because you didn't have an hour or two hours just once a month to know what's going on with your body.
#8 Trampolines are exercise, the hammock beside it is not. They're both fun. Let one be your exercise and one be your reward... yes I am talking to myself here.

There's a world of opportunity out there and sitting around waiting for it to fall in your lap just isn't going to happen. This is your life. Take control of it.
Excuse me but I have to put clothes in the dryer now and go to bed.
Procrastinators unite... and kick each other in the butt for being idiots.
Love you guys! Have a great day!

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