Monday, May 23, 2011

I've lost that loving feeling

whoa that looovin feeling
I've lost that loving feeling
Now it's gone, gone, gone, whoooaaah

Ok enough with the Righteous Brothers.
I had a co-worker that used to sing that to me daily when I would get upset at them. Then I'd giggle and we'd be friends again. I wish all relationships were that simple


I was in a workout funk. I love zumba. I love love love love love to dance. But I've gotten so used to it that I've had a hard time getting my heart rate up.
So I tried Turbo Jam. Sucked.
I tried kickboxing. Loved it but time wise it didn't work.
I wanted to try turbo kick but yet again time wise didn't work.
I tried 24set... HURKIES SUCK!
I tried kick butt boot camp... it kicked my butt.
So I lost my motivation to even go to the gym. I kept up with my running but even that I'm getting blah about. Why? Because after I would run, I would always have a dance class. When I got to that class there would always be at least one person to say "GUUUUUUURL, I saw you runnin. You're doing great." or "Omg skinny mini!" And that would be the person that I danced next to... because they're awesome for motivating someone. I would run hard and then dancing was like desert. And I loved it. My routine was awesome.
But they tell you that every now and then you need to throw your routine up a little so you can "confuse" your body into getting its heart rate up again. It's supposed to help you plow through a plateau wall and stuff.
Can I be honest with you? That's a load of crap to be top priority on your list.
Yes, we're here to lose weight. Yes we're here to be healthier. BUT WE AREN'T SUPPOSED TO HATE IT.
I lost focus on the most important aspect of working out--- HAVING FUN.
No my heart rate wasn't up at 160. But was it up past 120? Yep! The great thing is I love my routine.
But should I just go back to my regular routine and let my heart rate stay low all the time? No. Every now and then I need to throw something in the loop. Try something new. Give things a try. But I don't have to give up everything I love. Just one day of it. And the great thing is maybe I'll find something I like as much or more than dancing.
But for now I'm still burning calories and I'm not giving up because it sucks. I'm sticking to it because I love it.
Burning calories is still burning calories. That means I'm still losing weight no matter what I do. It just might take a little longer doing the things I love.
Does any of this make sense? Read my head! It knows what it's talking about. It's just never able to come out of my fingers and onto the keyboard.

Today's shake: Banana and chocolate shakeology
Today's workout: 11 min mile, zumba, and strength training

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