Monday, January 10, 2011

I lurrrrve my nike+

So I got them. (Nike+ shoes and sensor). I think it's one of my better decisions.
For those of you who don't know what they are, it's a shoe, basic running shoe, but it has a sensor in the bottom of the left shoe. That sensor connects to a sensor in a watch that you have to buy. If  you have an IPod or IPhone you only have to get the  + connection which is much cheaper... but I love my droid phone and Apple can suck it. *cough cough* I mean *cough cough* I would rather have my droid phone. In the wristband or  your IPhone (sigh) the sensors record your run speed, your calories burned, your mileage, and once you plug that device into your computer it stores and records it all for you and draws out a map of your run. It shows your peaks (faster runs) and dips (where you were walking you cheater!) and makes a little bar graph of it. It even lets you challenge others, challenge yourself, and creates a running plan for you. I find all this extremely motivating.
My post prior to this one I explained my first day with the shoes. Since then I have figured out how to change the accuracy of the mileage. Nike has this program set up so basic that even ignoramouses like myself could figure it out. I ended up running again on Saturday. That time was .4 miles running and .6 walking. Even with the freezing weather I was craving a run on Sunday to see if I could beat that. BUT the weather outside was frightful, and my heater was so delightful,... and out of grrrrrrrness I walked my 1.13 miles at a speed of 22 min a mile. According to my wristband, because of my weight that was 250 calories. Some might say "Pfffft 250 calories. I can get that in 10 min on my treadmill." I'm happy for you, I really am. But this is my alone time. My me, music, and nature time. It's fresh air, different scenery, a wave from a stranger, a cheer from another stranger, a trip off the sidewalk, and an instant laugh right after that. There's something so freeing about using your God given path... that has been covered with asphalt, distorted by streetlights, and very little trees... Ok I made that sound bad but its not a wall or a tv in front of you with the buzz of your belt rotating underneath you. I can also promise you that a treadmill will not get me ready for this 5k. It lacks... everything. Running on a street and a treadmill are like baking from scratch and baking out of a box. You get the same result (miles, cal burned, recorded time) but there's so many more obstacles and a sense of accomplishment from scratch.
I do have a few requests if you're going to try the running path.
1. Buy a few 2 lb weights with hand straps. I got some from Walmart for 6$. I prefer the strap because I tend to drop things when I trip. I trip a lot.
2. If you have a smart phone, download the Pandora application. This lets you pick an artist and then streams continuous music from that artist or music from someone else that your artist recommends. It pretty much all follows the same genre. Then pick an artist who's music tends to make you auto-strut if you're walking while listening. And I'm not talking about a beegees strut. I'm talking "My booty has a mind of it's own and I feel like waving my hands up in the air and dancing" strut. The one you have to hold in or people will look at you funny. Anything in the grouping of "Happy hardcore" tends to work. These are "rave" songs that have a ton of bounce to them. Why this music? It tends to make you walk faster with the rhythm. That way you're not letting your mind wander and getting a 25 min mile.
3. STRETCH. This probably should have been number one but I don't feel like going back and fixing it now. You may think you look goofy but honestly your neighbors and people in the parks know what a stretch is. They'll understand and get over it. Without stretching you could seriously tear some muscles. No pain no gain right? Ehhhhhh maybe but if you're in pain because you didn't stretch you're a butthead for caring more about your appearance than your body. Save yourself a couple of tylenol and just stretch. It's not that bad and only takes 2 min of your time.
4. Start out walking. I've been walking which is why I've now turned to running. But if your full goal is a 5k start out walking the full 3.2 miles. Let this be your time to figure out how much time would be your worst. Get comfortable with walking heel to toe. Learn to breath through your mouth and nose at the same time. If you rush into running you're going to end up giving up. Once you've done that for 1-2 weeks THEN transition some running in. But don't expect to run the whole 3 miles the first day. Your lungs won't be ready. Your leg muscles are going to laugh at you. It's just not going to work out. Here are a few websites that help you get started on running:
There are a ton more but has been my biggest help. I understand I've only been running for a week but after working with a ton of marathon runners has agreed with them the most. In fact most of my tips have come from my friends who actually use up vacation time just to run. So with that being said
6. Talk to friends who love to run. Ask them what's worked for them, why it's become an addiction. Without their help I wouldn't have even started walking and now I'm actually enjoying the adrenaline rush of a run... even if it's only .1 miles at a time.

So there's my blog for today. I'll be able to give more info the more I run.
Tomorrow I'll be talking about music and why it's so important to your exercise.
I hope everyone is having a wonderful day. GOOD LUCK TO EVERYONE!!!!

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